Of late, I haven’t written here as much as I’d prefer—and certainly not at the length I’d like. Some of my favorite pieces for this Substack, Political Currents, have been the big ones: on Japan, the history of liberalism, Bret Easton Ellis, the Beach Boys. The politics stuff, of course, is fun too, and I know that’s why many of you are here.
I have a few ideas for pieces I really like to get to, like a rebuttal to Matt Yglesias on the topic of public housing, and why it’d actually be beneficial for the federal government to invest, once more, in the construction of units to house the working-class and poor. I want to write something on Ben Smith’s Traffic as well, since it’s an era of media I lived through and have conflicted feelings about—including Smith’s own role in its madness.
Right now, I’m working on a couple of very exciting, lengthy magazine features that need to be finished soon. They exist on print schedules and won’t be seen for a while. When they’re out, I think you’ll enjoy them. I’m also at work on a new book. I hope to say more on that down the road.
I hope, soon, to get back to writing many more pieces here. Expect something on Yglesias in the next few days. I’ve got a few other ideas cooking too.
In the meantime, I’d love if you became a paying subscriber. Why do that? Unfortunately, there’s a good chunk of upcoming writing that will be behind the paywall. The paying subscriptions help support this newsletter and my career in a very precarious field. Paywalls aren’t ideal, but they do motivate people to pitch in.
Please do. It’s very meaningful and will guarantee this Substack has a future.
In the meantime, if you’ve got more job submissions for the Writers’ Project, send them my way! I want to post what I get.
And enjoy my latest column, on Donald Trump and Richard Nixon, in the New York Times.
Subscribe to Mr. Barkan's work. For anyone reading this, my views do not align with his. While I think he's wrong on issues sometimes, he's never lying. Also, for NYC politics, Mr. Barkan is THE guy - case closed. There is nothing more effective, or more dangerous to the Establishment, than a truth telling leftist reporter. Anything on NYC politics I read almost immediately.
I subscribe here and have not been disappointed.