The Democratic Party elites have proven again and again they don't give a rats ass what the Democratic electorate wants. These are the people who did their best to cancel the 2016 primary and foist the Anointed One on the party faithful, nevermind that a significant percentage of people actively hated that person. We all know how that turned out. Then they did the same thing with Harris, which is why we are in the bind we're in now.

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Ross - I enjoy your articles about NY, but have several critiques about your take on national politics here. You did not mention 3 massive failures that explain why Biden's approval ratings remain low: record levels of inflation, illegal immigration, and escalation towards a nuclear World War 3. He can't speak cogently without a teleprompter and his son's laptops and documents scandals will continue to grow. A second term for him would be disastrous. Your bench of contenders from leftist NYMag has no national appeal and all are unlikable with fatal flaws: Whitmer flew to Florida while locking down schools and masking kids, Warnock barely won 2 runoffs against poor candidates, Polis pushes gender theory on kids which is massively unpopular, and Shapiro guaranteed Biden victory in PA 2020 - imagine if a Republican AG guaranteed Trump victory before the election. Fetterman couldn't get through a debate, his cognitive condition is even worse than Biden's. Here is the story about Democrats destroyed NYC: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/escapefromnewyork

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"Biden’s 80, for example, is not Nancy Pelosi’s 82. Pelosi has never made, publicly, glaring factual mistakes. She has not caused anyone to cluck about senility."

Citation needed! Is this not a huge right-wing talking point? Remember the (fake) video where Pelosi seemed to be slurring her words? Hell, complaints about the Democratic party as a gerontocracy are a pretty popular theme on the capital-L Left as well - just ask any rose emoji guy about Dianne Feinstein.

You could argue - convincingly so! - that Pete Buttigieg would be a Z-lister on par with Deval Patrick or Eric Swalwell, if not for intra-Dem concerns that the two leading candidates in the 2020 primary were a notoriously gaffe-prone septugenarian and a guy who had a literal stroke on the campaign trail. This was the subtext of Kamala Harris winning the veepstakes, and the text-text of Hakeem Jeffries' recent promotion. Etc.

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I heard James Carville tonight on Ari Melber and Biden's age and concern about his ability to run in two years and then complete another four year term is certainly legitimate. Problem here is Harris who is in no way a viable Presidential candidate and there's no obvious other candidate. Bernie is great but the party doesn't want him and has the same age issue. Mayor Pete is a lightweight. Amy Klobuchar is ok but does she have gravitas? We really don't have a back up plan here which is super scary. Biden has had health issues with two aneurysms I believe and as you point out he is not at 80 what Nancy Pelosi is at 82. Democrats are in a tough spot given that literally anything can happen to him in terms of his health and there's no plan if that happens.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

I remember how in 2020 first the Bernie camp (of which I'm a member), then the Trump people persuaded themselves that the electorate would realize Biden was senile. He doesn't seem any worse now.

His age is a real issue, and it gets talked about plenty - Michelle Goldberg wrote a column telling him to stand down just this week. Journalists should be honest about the subject and not cheerlead, but it is a fantasy to imagine we will get rid of him. I also don't think that responses to a poll where the options are "Biden" or "younger candidate of your imagination" tell us much.

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You are covering the angles this topic thoroughly and insightfully. And this is the key question:

“An open, chaotic primary terrifies party elites but would likely produce the strongest nominee.”

Not so sure. Maybe strongest in substance but not electability? Those are decent potential candidates but hardly inspiring or tested or a good bet. Biden remains, with all the legit caveats, the safe bet for now.

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I have faith in Joe's judgments and trust his handlers. What I don't believe is how pundits go with the status quo. Ukraine, China, immigration, and the economy are in flux. Kam is still in a learning/standby mode. Mari-Lago, Florida Nazis, and southwest crazies are the bright lights we can't turn our back on. The Supreme Court could win it for the 21st century again.

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