As many of us will know from tragic experience, one of the tells for acute senility is an almost pathological stubbornness. You can see it in Trump too, but Biden's refusal to square himself with the inevitable sometime in 2022 really reeks of it.

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I wish that I didn’t have to agree with your assessment. By all measures Biden had been a great leader for our country in a tremendously complicated time of need for that very thing. But he has lost a the vigor, quickness and charisma that would prove his detractors wrong. He is old, and he looked it last night. Trump is all vitriol, bombast and lies. He has no agenda that helps the people of our country other than the obscenely wealthy, he speaks hate and fear and is in this only for himself. It should be easy to defeat such an obviously flawed candidate.

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Speaking of "you should step down," anyone hear from Sonia Sotomayor lately?

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Considering last night's display, she should announce her retirement (conditional on a replacement being seated) next week.

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Michelle Obama running for President is absurd. As you point out, she clearly is not interested in living in the political sphere and arguably preferred to stay out of the limelight. Practically speaking, the window for consent to be manufactured for this is too small, and the implications for American democracy, were this to be seriously pushed, would be be untenable. Imagine the Democrats putting up the spouse of a former President as their nominee at convention, with two months notice. It would be rightly viewed as absurd by most of America and rightly used by Trump to beat Democrats over the head.

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I've been making a version of this argument for years. I know she doesn't want the job. But it just so happens that the most admired person in America is a prominent Democrat and our country is in crisis.

Will it happen? No. But it should. She could announce she wants to run at the top of the ticket and almost everyone would agree.

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Sure, Michelle Obama would probably be great. George Washington could probably win too if, having cloned him fifty years ago, they are secretly saving him for emergencies just like this. Both scenarios equally probable.

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Thanks, but no thanks. There are at least three governors that would actually want the job. She doesn’t and clamoring for her would look too desperate. Also, not for nothing I think it would be a bridge too far for Harris. I think Harris could/would rise to the recognition that she would not be anyone’s first choice, but replacing a black woman with let’s be real here: a less accomplished black woman?

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I think part of the upside here for Michelle is that she would neutralize the argument against replacing Kamala – that you couldn’t possibly ask a Black woman on the ticket to step aside in favor of a white man. Michelle Obama has the identity cred and the popularity to be a much stronger candidate.

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This is a pragmatic and sound assessment, but I wish there were a more democratic, participatory road that could be taken. The pool from which even hypothetical candidates are plucked is turning to jello.

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She's going to run. This has been planned. Good job listing why she probably won't though. They need people like you to make it believable.

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All of the reasons you list are the reasons she will run. They have been planning for a while. The confusion is staged. They knew Biden would bomb. You did a good job showing the reasons this will all be believed in the end. Couldn't have been planned. Right?🙄

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Fair points (except for MO, which we know is the last thing she wants to do or would ever do) - I just disagree that it was obvious (as it appears today) that Biden should have dropped out earlier. He was strong enough (until Thursday) to suggest that he would be better than an unknown replacement. It’s a matter of opinion.

I expected 2024 SOTU Biden (which would have been passable) or Friday’s NC Biden, but I don’t know who expected what we got on Thursday night.

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Michelle Obama please run for president! Our country needs you.

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Michelle Obama please run for president! Our country needs you.

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Can someone explain this to me? The widespread hysterical hangover from Thursday night makes me feel like i’m missing something. Since when does debating on TV have anything to do with being President? How does a two hour broadcast negate the job he’s been doing for three and half years? It’s ludicrous. Makes absolutely zero sense to me. He did not suddenly become old this week. And if the Trump years proved nothing else, it’s that a President’s staff and cabinet (even a dodgy one) can be incredibly effective in reigning bad judgment and the worst impulses. Even if his diminishment is as complete as the pundit class has diagnosed (with their years and years of cognitive behavioral expertise), if reelected, Biden will be surrounded with eminently experienced, hand-selected advisors and deputies watching his back (and America’s). Is it the ideal scenario? Of course not. But we’re not choosing between a diminished Biden and Michelle Obama: we’re choosing between Trump II and anybody but. When the NYT calls for a new candidate, all it does increase our chances of electing the former.

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Oooof. Your piece (along with the linked Axios story) reminds me that there is a thing line that separates gossip from journalism and history. All that I suspected is there. I would personally trade a year of my life to know for certain what the Obama honestly think of the Bidens and the Democratic establishment.

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Great idea - we’d have Barack as 1st Lady all over again…

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