I think there's a bit of a false equivalency between left and right covering up for politicians here
. Cases of bad/ criminal behavior on the part of right politicians that the party ignores are just so numerous- Trump, Jim Jordan, Gaetz...and on the left, look at Al Franken, Schneideman, Spitzer...there are particular dynamics here that explain how Richarson got a free pass, but it's more common for Dems to hold politicians accountable for bad behavior.
I think there's a bit of a false equivalency between left and right covering up for politicians here
. Cases of bad/ criminal behavior on the part of right politicians that the party ignores are just so numerous- Trump, Jim Jordan, Gaetz...and on the left, look at Al Franken, Schneideman, Spitzer...there are particular dynamics here that explain how Richarson got a free pass, but it's more common for Dems to hold politicians accountable for bad behavior.
Holy crap! She needs a timeout. You can't treat people that way for long and expect to get away with it. Even New York State and City has standards.