When you talk about increases in turnout, is that the turnout rate or the total number of votes? It's hard to know what's going on without denominators--whether some areas are becoming more active, gaining population, and/or seeing demographic change that predicts higher turnout.

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total number - big increase from 2013, and one of the highest raw numbers ever. population has gone up but still an impressive showing

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Ross, just to make the subtext text here: that "immigrant Asian community that have yet to reach their voting potential" comprise most of the 10% of voters who put Yang first, right? Or at least, I would assume so anecdotally just based on the sheer number of "vote Yang" signs I saw (and still see) walking under the el in Bensonhurst; probably siphoned off some of Adams' Orthodox support too. Kind of goes against the media narrative that the guy was a bobo propped up by the extremely online (but would totally explain John Liu's 180 from dismissal to endorsement, and that whole "he's our AOC" line that he got ribbed for).

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Today's news should help mix this up a bit:


I am imagining this will give the working class tally a bit of a boost.

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