What I wonder about, though, is what happens now that these old left positions on immigrantion, race, and class are much more well-established and accepted on the right? For awhile, I thought that perhaps Trumpism really might morph into the multiracial working class coalition that used to be the goal of the left. Watchi…
What I wonder about, though, is what happens now that these old left positions on immigrantion, race, and class are much more well-established and accepted on the right? For awhile, I thought that perhaps Trumpism really might morph into the multiracial working class coalition that used to be the goal of the left. Watching that from the outside, too, though, I no longer have any hope it will happen there, either.
I also don't believe that wokeism has receeded on the left, I think it's just calmed down as it's now solidly institutionalized.
That makes sense.
What I wonder about, though, is what happens now that these old left positions on immigrantion, race, and class are much more well-established and accepted on the right? For awhile, I thought that perhaps Trumpism really might morph into the multiracial working class coalition that used to be the goal of the left. Watching that from the outside, too, though, I no longer have any hope it will happen there, either.
I also don't believe that wokeism has receeded on the left, I think it's just calmed down as it's now solidly institutionalized.