I highly recommend a hilarious 1940 Preston Sturges movie, The Great McGinty, about a street bum who get elected the mayor of a large city (surely New York) after he votes for the prior mayor 37 times in one night, and the political boss realizes that he can use a guy like that. Yes, it shows corruption, but also shows building things. And there is one great line: "People don't understand that if it wasn't for graft, you would have a very low type of person involved in politics."
Adams is also very unpopular with the 250,00 NYC retirees on Medicare . While running for Mayor, he called the then current Mayor deBlasio's plan to transfer these retirees to a Medicare Advantage plan or else lose their Medigap plan paid for by the City, a "bait and switch." When elected Mayor, he promptly "switched." Furthermore, even though the City has lost in court, numerous times, he has continued to appeal, further wasting more tax payer funds.
Good writing and thinking as usual, but I think you are missing a key detail of the current scandal: the sheer number and scope of probes into the NYC government. From what I've been able to pick up, it's not just this Turkish corruption thing, but probes in to the police, the fire department, schools chancellor, the buildings commissioner, among several others. Looking at it this way, it seems less like an issue specific to Eric Adams and more like a large-scale culture of corruption and malfeasance in the upper reaches of the city government. It's this issue that's move me from being casually annoyed at Eric Adams to upset and outraged against the whole city's political class (and I think it's this angle to the story that is being under-covered in the media).
Good article but quick fact check there have been two special elections for NYC mayor. 1932 when Jimmy Walker resigned and 1950 when William O’Dwyer resigned. John O’Brien won the first and Vincent Impellitteri won the second. Neither mayor won reelection to a full term.
Ross When are you going to cover the fight of 250000 NYC retirees to keep traditional Medicare If you do— I will subscribe. Contact MARIANNE PIZZITOLA at nycretirees.org
We have won nine times in court against the odius Adams and MLC cabal. Thanks
adams won because ranked choice voting led to Wiley and Garcia splitting the vote that probably either one of them would have had if the other one was not in the race.
he won with minority of the votes cast, sadly
he was just lucky, and we are the unlucky ones now
The Public Advocate has a similar history. It was created to give the long-forgotten but once very prominent Andrew Stein a job. He was City Council president (a ceremonial post that the charter change abolished) and the PA was made to give him something to run for. Andy Stein was a true character, a friend of Trump, and backed him for president.
You're reminding me of a favorite political movie, City Hall with Al Pacino. There's a corrupt Borough president played by Danny Aiello. It seems much more realistic than the Adams thievery.
Yeah it’s always really bad when people of color or any woman decides to play the “white boy club” (WBC) games. I know it’s hard to watch the white boys getting away with every crime and bad behavior imaginable all the time. But, people! Do not succumb to the need, desire to be one with the white boys! Hold tight to choosing right over wrong - in the end you will be better for it. And in the end the members of the white boy club will implode.
Nope - he was preparing to be President - a la TRumpty- take bribes for future quid pro quo - white boy stuff all the way. He clearly is an idiot of biblical proportions - needs to move away from the podium and go off and be whatever he wants to be - just not in public service - make that honest and ethical public service. And What the fuck does Turkey want from the US so badly??? Erdogan is not our friend- just another member of the WBC - who is and will misuse and abuse power.
"The old Tammany machine, though, delivered durable public goods, and remained in power so long because voters understood that the graft would at least be accompanied by new railroads, bridges, and parks. Adams was Tammany absent any delivery mechanism. "
Excellent. Adams' case is petty - it's like getting slapped in the face with a shoelace every day. Upgrades to business class on Turkish Airways? Swanky hotel suites? If you're going to graft, graft big and graft with authority. And like you said, deliver something to the masses. There isn't even a new footbridge somewhere, or a community garden.
Adams rode progressive voters inchoate fear of being called a racist, and believing every sexual harassment accusation under the sun to office. Then he (truthfully) criticized the influx of migrants and he became a marked man. Looks like he's run out of runway.
Ross, Why doesn't NYC hold a non-partisan mayoral election in which the top two finishers have a run-off rather than party primaries which get less turnout in NYC are essentially the election?
I'm curious how you determine "The Worst". I'm not challenging your conclusion--Adams sucks. And some part of this is subjective. For sheer ineptitude though John Lindsay--a mayor who seemed not to know NYC contained boroughs beside Manhattan--is hard to beat. Lindsay never met a union leader he couldn't antagonize into striking and he is the poster child for an empty suit out of his depth.
Lindsay was honest (unless privilege and silver spoons are now forms of corruption) but still...talk about unequal to the task! NYC was exponentially worse for his bumbling. The best you can say about his tenure was the city didn't become a wasteland like Newark and Detroit. Not exactly a legacy to crow about. Seasonally, he shed political parties (Republican, Liberal, Democrat) like a chicken molting feathers. Even Eric Adams doesn't claim to be qualified to be your president, Ross. JVL did. LOL
Nicely done. Very clear presentation of a very strange story. Thank you.
I highly recommend a hilarious 1940 Preston Sturges movie, The Great McGinty, about a street bum who get elected the mayor of a large city (surely New York) after he votes for the prior mayor 37 times in one night, and the political boss realizes that he can use a guy like that. Yes, it shows corruption, but also shows building things. And there is one great line: "People don't understand that if it wasn't for graft, you would have a very low type of person involved in politics."
Very funny piece. Also, not that she had ever had a chance, but Dianne Morales’ political pratfall was also quality comedy.
Adams is also very unpopular with the 250,00 NYC retirees on Medicare . While running for Mayor, he called the then current Mayor deBlasio's plan to transfer these retirees to a Medicare Advantage plan or else lose their Medigap plan paid for by the City, a "bait and switch." When elected Mayor, he promptly "switched." Furthermore, even though the City has lost in court, numerous times, he has continued to appeal, further wasting more tax payer funds.
Good writing and thinking as usual, but I think you are missing a key detail of the current scandal: the sheer number and scope of probes into the NYC government. From what I've been able to pick up, it's not just this Turkish corruption thing, but probes in to the police, the fire department, schools chancellor, the buildings commissioner, among several others. Looking at it this way, it seems less like an issue specific to Eric Adams and more like a large-scale culture of corruption and malfeasance in the upper reaches of the city government. It's this issue that's move me from being casually annoyed at Eric Adams to upset and outraged against the whole city's political class (and I think it's this angle to the story that is being under-covered in the media).
Good article but quick fact check there have been two special elections for NYC mayor. 1932 when Jimmy Walker resigned and 1950 when William O’Dwyer resigned. John O’Brien won the first and Vincent Impellitteri won the second. Neither mayor won reelection to a full term.
I fixed that just now. Thanks.
Ross When are you going to cover the fight of 250000 NYC retirees to keep traditional Medicare If you do— I will subscribe. Contact MARIANNE PIZZITOLA at nycretirees.org
We have won nine times in court against the odius Adams and MLC cabal. Thanks
Yes any nyc retiree reading this— start nagging Ross -
adams won because ranked choice voting led to Wiley and Garcia splitting the vote that probably either one of them would have had if the other one was not in the race.
he won with minority of the votes cast, sadly
he was just lucky, and we are the unlucky ones now
Well done. The history of the borough presidents was illuminating. As was Adam's history.
The Board of Estimate era is pretty fascinating. The last powerful Brooklyn borough president was Howard Golden, who died very recently: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/24/nyregion/howard-golden-dead.html
The Public Advocate has a similar history. It was created to give the long-forgotten but once very prominent Andrew Stein a job. He was City Council president (a ceremonial post that the charter change abolished) and the PA was made to give him something to run for. Andy Stein was a true character, a friend of Trump, and backed him for president.
You're reminding me of a favorite political movie, City Hall with Al Pacino. There's a corrupt Borough president played by Danny Aiello. It seems much more realistic than the Adams thievery.
I may rewatch it.
Adams would've been great for Bonfire of the Vanities
Incisive piece! Enjoyed reading it.
Yeah it’s always really bad when people of color or any woman decides to play the “white boy club” (WBC) games. I know it’s hard to watch the white boys getting away with every crime and bad behavior imaginable all the time. But, people! Do not succumb to the need, desire to be one with the white boys! Hold tight to choosing right over wrong - in the end you will be better for it. And in the end the members of the white boy club will implode.
Nope - he was preparing to be President - a la TRumpty- take bribes for future quid pro quo - white boy stuff all the way. He clearly is an idiot of biblical proportions - needs to move away from the podium and go off and be whatever he wants to be - just not in public service - make that honest and ethical public service. And What the fuck does Turkey want from the US so badly??? Erdogan is not our friend- just another member of the WBC - who is and will misuse and abuse power.
Bring on the comptrollers.
"The old Tammany machine, though, delivered durable public goods, and remained in power so long because voters understood that the graft would at least be accompanied by new railroads, bridges, and parks. Adams was Tammany absent any delivery mechanism. "
Excellent. Adams' case is petty - it's like getting slapped in the face with a shoelace every day. Upgrades to business class on Turkish Airways? Swanky hotel suites? If you're going to graft, graft big and graft with authority. And like you said, deliver something to the masses. There isn't even a new footbridge somewhere, or a community garden.
Adams rode progressive voters inchoate fear of being called a racist, and believing every sexual harassment accusation under the sun to office. Then he (truthfully) criticized the influx of migrants and he became a marked man. Looks like he's run out of runway.
Ross, Why doesn't NYC hold a non-partisan mayoral election in which the top two finishers have a run-off rather than party primaries which get less turnout in NYC are essentially the election?
I'm curious how you determine "The Worst". I'm not challenging your conclusion--Adams sucks. And some part of this is subjective. For sheer ineptitude though John Lindsay--a mayor who seemed not to know NYC contained boroughs beside Manhattan--is hard to beat. Lindsay never met a union leader he couldn't antagonize into striking and he is the poster child for an empty suit out of his depth.
Lindsay was honest (unless privilege and silver spoons are now forms of corruption) but still...talk about unequal to the task! NYC was exponentially worse for his bumbling. The best you can say about his tenure was the city didn't become a wasteland like Newark and Detroit. Not exactly a legacy to crow about. Seasonally, he shed political parties (Republican, Liberal, Democrat) like a chicken molting feathers. Even Eric Adams doesn't claim to be qualified to be your president, Ross. JVL did. LOL
I don't quite agree. Lindsay had good qualities and was underrated
I lived in NYC for decades and never knew about the Borough Presidents. Lol. Thank you for the education.