You do realize Ukraine believes this is a cause worth dying for?? So trying to force your opinion on Ukrainians is no different than how Bush/Cheney operated forcing countries to fight in wars that they didn’t want to wage. Most Americans believe some causes are worth dying for and it’s up to the country to decide if it rises to that level.
You do realize Ukraine believes this is a cause worth dying for?? So trying to force your opinion on Ukrainians is no different than how Bush/Cheney operated forcing countries to fight in wars that they didn’t want to wage. Most Americans believe some causes are worth dying for and it’s up to the country to decide if it rises to that level.
If you really think this is just about patriotism and “causes worth dying for,” you’ve been duped by a lot of pretty low grade, painfully obvious propaganda. Buddy, you’ve been tricked into supporting a pointless proxy war that needs up defense companies’ bottom line.
Lol, you’ve been duped by the same people that pushed the Iraq War. You are clueless. Go watch Taibbi on Laura Ingraham trying to get more nitwits to pay $5/month so he can buy a new mansion.
Hillary losing was great for America…and so long as Trump loses then he will have been great for America by defeating the Bushes and Cheneys and Clintons. NATO expanded under Trump because Trump’s biggest supporters in the Senate are huge supporters of NATO expansion. Just because Lindsay Graham supports sending lethal aid to Ukraine doesn’t make it wrong. If he supported sending troops to Ukraine then he would be wrong…but in this instance the group that has it wrong is the right wing echo chamber because they are riling people up to get a Republican elected president. Taibbi and Greenwald are anti-America and always have been. I opposed the Iraq War from day 1 but I always thought Greenwald was a clown and I believe Taibbi is out for a money grab by ripping off Trump supporters.
I support Clinton’s foreign policy with the same information as Bush he chose to not invade Iraq while keeping Saddam contained with the no fly zone. I’m not anti-war and never have been. And I actually would probably have opposed the NATO expansion that happened under Trump and Obama and Bush had I really cared about it. But once Putin invaded Ukraine he made NATO more relevant than it’s been in 30 years. Putin gets the George W Bush Award for being a dumbass on a global scale! And we know from Trump’s first impeachment that Zelensky was gung ho about getting lethal aid even as Trump withheld it. So Zelensky’s position is very clear and nobody manipulated him unless you believe senators Graham and McCain and Ron Johnson brainwashed him when Trump was president?? If you believe those senators brainwashed him then the war was always going to happen and Biden just happened to be president when Zelensky refused a diplomatic solution with Putin.
Putin is a dumbass—according to Putin Ukraine should be a market for crappy Russian products and it’s not about anything other than that. Putin is now Xi’s lil’ bitch while America is now energy dominant and our weapons systems are in more countries thanks to NATO expansion. And the funniest thing about being Xi’s lil’ bitch is Putin gets a few years of exporting military equipment to China but all the while China will be reverse engineering the tech and developing the industries for their own. Anyway, Biden has played this all perfectly and America haters like yourself should be angry because we are stronger than we’ve been since before 9/11.
From America’s perspective we have already achieved our goals of degrading Russia’s military force and taking their natural gas market share in Europe. I’m sorry you are upset America is stronger…maybe another Bush will run in the future and weaken America with asinine invasions while selling us out to China.
You do realize Ukraine believes this is a cause worth dying for?? So trying to force your opinion on Ukrainians is no different than how Bush/Cheney operated forcing countries to fight in wars that they didn’t want to wage. Most Americans believe some causes are worth dying for and it’s up to the country to decide if it rises to that level.
If you really think this is just about patriotism and “causes worth dying for,” you’ve been duped by a lot of pretty low grade, painfully obvious propaganda. Buddy, you’ve been tricked into supporting a pointless proxy war that needs up defense companies’ bottom line.
Lol, you’ve been duped by the same people that pushed the Iraq War. You are clueless. Go watch Taibbi on Laura Ingraham trying to get more nitwits to pay $5/month so he can buy a new mansion.
Hillary losing was great for America…and so long as Trump loses then he will have been great for America by defeating the Bushes and Cheneys and Clintons. NATO expanded under Trump because Trump’s biggest supporters in the Senate are huge supporters of NATO expansion. Just because Lindsay Graham supports sending lethal aid to Ukraine doesn’t make it wrong. If he supported sending troops to Ukraine then he would be wrong…but in this instance the group that has it wrong is the right wing echo chamber because they are riling people up to get a Republican elected president. Taibbi and Greenwald are anti-America and always have been. I opposed the Iraq War from day 1 but I always thought Greenwald was a clown and I believe Taibbi is out for a money grab by ripping off Trump supporters.
Don't feed the troll.
I support Clinton’s foreign policy with the same information as Bush he chose to not invade Iraq while keeping Saddam contained with the no fly zone. I’m not anti-war and never have been. And I actually would probably have opposed the NATO expansion that happened under Trump and Obama and Bush had I really cared about it. But once Putin invaded Ukraine he made NATO more relevant than it’s been in 30 years. Putin gets the George W Bush Award for being a dumbass on a global scale! And we know from Trump’s first impeachment that Zelensky was gung ho about getting lethal aid even as Trump withheld it. So Zelensky’s position is very clear and nobody manipulated him unless you believe senators Graham and McCain and Ron Johnson brainwashed him when Trump was president?? If you believe those senators brainwashed him then the war was always going to happen and Biden just happened to be president when Zelensky refused a diplomatic solution with Putin.
Putin is a dumbass—according to Putin Ukraine should be a market for crappy Russian products and it’s not about anything other than that. Putin is now Xi’s lil’ bitch while America is now energy dominant and our weapons systems are in more countries thanks to NATO expansion. And the funniest thing about being Xi’s lil’ bitch is Putin gets a few years of exporting military equipment to China but all the while China will be reverse engineering the tech and developing the industries for their own. Anyway, Biden has played this all perfectly and America haters like yourself should be angry because we are stronger than we’ve been since before 9/11.
From America’s perspective we have already achieved our goals of degrading Russia’s military force and taking their natural gas market share in Europe. I’m sorry you are upset America is stronger…maybe another Bush will run in the future and weaken America with asinine invasions while selling us out to China.
*beefs up