Good piece Brother Ross. I'd add that Major Owens, aside from being the only librarian in Congress, was also a member of DSA. But when we in NY DSA were running, endorsing candidates or actively working in campaigns back in the 90s and before, we didn't have the tech to manage the kind of low donor campaigns, and groveling for contribs was a very labor intensive often mail-based process.
Good piece Brother Ross. I'd add that Major Owens, aside from being the only librarian in Congress, was also a member of DSA. But when we in NY DSA were running, endorsing candidates or actively working in campaigns back in the 90s and before, we didn't have the tech to manage the kind of low donor campaigns, and groveling for contribs was a very labor intensive often mail-based process.
Good piece Brother Ross. I'd add that Major Owens, aside from being the only librarian in Congress, was also a member of DSA. But when we in NY DSA were running, endorsing candidates or actively working in campaigns back in the 90s and before, we didn't have the tech to manage the kind of low donor campaigns, and groveling for contribs was a very labor intensive often mail-based process.
I had no idea! Good to know