"Andrew Cuomo hangs like a stale fart in the air, the scent pungent enough to turn heads." This might be the funniest thing I've read in forever. And also true. Every time I see one of his obnoxious TV ads, I become dyspeptic.

The fact that nothing was done about the nursing home deaths doesn't mean that NY progressives shouldn't forge their own counter campaign. His excuses regarding harassment is insulting to many women and it's not going unnoticed; but what he got away with regarding nursing homes during COVID was atrocious. The cynicism of running to a Black church every time he needs to make news is infuriating. I cannot stand this man and the fact that he won't go away, like Trump, really just fills me with dread about the future of this city/state (and country) and who exactly pulls all the levers. Even if he's out of power, he still has supporters and allies within the Democratic party and the fact that he has this much money to waste on an attempted image makeover and having dinners with other disgraced Governors who get rich books deals for books no one is interested in reading...sigh.

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Now would be a great time to restore the name of the Tappan Zee Bridge.

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He has been strong, and effective. He has been a bully and controlling. His dad was a great speaker. I think that many will vote for him but can he WIN??? That's a real question---

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